Sunscreen, not negotiable!

It's essential to apply sunscreen every day. According to John Hopkins the sun's rays not only can cause you an annoying sunburn, but can cause skin cancer and premature aging. Surprisingly, the sun can still damage the skin when it's cloudy, and it does not discriminate based on skin tone. Research suggests that even sun exposure through a car window can up the risk for skin cancer.

Yale medical school states that 90 percent of visible skin changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun. Wearing a sun hat and sun protective clothing will help preserve your skin from those damaging effects, however, let's face the reality that even when wearing protective clothing, we are active people that aren’t always mindful of what areas of our skin are still getting exposure. Wearing sunscreen is one of the best — and easiest — ways to protect your skin's appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging. 

A Word about UV radiation -It can burn and damage our skin without us ever becoming warm. That’s why it is dangerous even on cloudy days.

  • radiation makes up of 95% of all the UV rays that make it to the Earth’s surface. UVA penetrates deep into our skin and can even pass through glass.

  • damages your skin, resulting in a tan. It is the primary radiation used in tanning beds. It causes almost all forms of skin aging, including wrinkles.

  • damages the collagen and elastin in the skin and also generates free radicals.

Recent research shows it doesn’t end there. “UVA partners up with UVB to cause more serious problems, like skin cancer,” says Saira George, M.D., a dermatologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

UVB radiation makes up of only 5% of the UV rays from the sun, but it is potent.

  • “UVB does not penetrate as deeply as UVA, but it can wreak havoc on the top layers of your skin” says Saira George, M.D.. UVB damages skin cells and causes DNA mutations that can eventually lead to melanoma and other types of skin cancer.

  • radiation from the sun can also cause cataracts. Cataracts happens when proteins in your eye lens get damaged from the sun. The proteins start to collect pigments that cloud your vision.

The best way to protect yourself from UV radiation is to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UVB rays are at their highest intensity.

It’s important to take care of yourself, even if you are in the shade. UV rays can reflect off surfaces like concrete, water, sand and snow, and still cause significant damage to your skin.

Daily and non-negotiable use of SUNSCREEN with an SPF of 30 or higher is a must.  Make sure you choose one that is water resistant and offers broad-spectrum protection. Broad Spectrum ensures you are being protected against UVA + UVB. Make sure you reapply after swimming or sweating.

Don’t underestimate the amount of protection you can get by covering up and wearing a wide-brimmed hat to shade your head and face, and use UV-protective sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Good information to know when choosing a sunscreen:

  • Mineral (Physical) or Chemical based. The difference is that mineral (physical) based sunscreens sit on top of the skin and reflect the sun's rays like a mirror. Ingredients used in this type of sunscreen are: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. An example of a physical based sunscreen that we highly recommend is one that we carry by Skinceuticals called Physical Fusion SPF 50.  C

  • Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin and absorb UV rays, convert the rays into heat, and then release them from the body. Chemical sunscreen active ingredients include oxybenzone, avobenzon, octinoxate, octisalate. A chemical sunscreen we offer at Naturally You is Daily Brightening SPF 30 by Skinceuticals and it is also one of our personal favorites!

Because unprotected sun exposure is responsible for most accelerated aging and skin cancer,  sunscreen is simply a no brainer! Please make sure you are protecting yourself daily! If you need help picking a good sunscreen, reach out to us here at Naturally You!


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